Latest NewsI've started a Substack where I'll be posting various musings and poetry, thoughts and words that cover a mix of the social, political, and philosophical. If you have time, please check it out. It's free!
The physical version of Boy Girl Monster is now available at Barnes and Noble! Pick yourself up a copy and see what all the fluffin' hubbub is about.
The digital version of Boy Girl Monster is now available! You can grab yourself a copy from Amazon, or from the dedicated page here at Boy Girl Monster is a children's story dealing with jealousy and has a heavy focus on self-improvement. The physical version is coming soon!
Welcome to the site! If you're here to read or download The Philozopher, you can click here to start with the first issue, or click here to buy the issues separately on Amazon. I'll be uploading each issue free on my website for the foreseeable future.
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